24 April 2008

More tile, some stain

Bryan is tiling every day. We're working towards finishing up room by room, starting with the entry.
Below is the gallery, looking towards the front door.

The master bath floor is close to completion. It must be finished before we can move the tub in place.

I stained the first cabinet last night.

17 April 2008


The electricians have been at it for the last 2 days and we now have lights.

Front porch
Looking in to kitchen

12 April 2008

More progress...

The septic tank went in yesterday. We were fortunate that the installers wanted to circle their equipment around the back and come out the other side of the house, which meant some trees would have to come down to make a small driveway to the back.

We brought home half the cabinets today.

Window trim has started.

08 April 2008


We're closer to getting cabinets. We got first glance at them this past weekend. We will pick up the upper ones this weekend and start to stain.

the islandcabinets are stacked 2 high and 2 deep in the work room
Bo still loves it

02 April 2008

And now for the doors and trim ...

Bryan and his dad have started installing doors and trim. I think it will take them just 2 days. Then I get to prime and paint the doors and trim. Hooray.

Also here's a shot of the table and chairs we bought. Seating for 8 when the table is opened up.