09 November 2008

Moving On

We may pick up the posts again at a latter date. Perhaps when we put in more landscaping or make major improvements to the place. There is still much being done here and much to do, but for now we've turned our attentions to other things, other than this blog.

We love it here. We have a hard time leaving for any length of time, even to go grocery shopping. When I woke up in my bed here for the first time, after visualizing the master bedroom, and watching it being built, I felt as if I was home from the very first morning. It is exactly what we wanted. We've been here over 6 months and I'd have a hard time describing anything we would have changed.

This house is the home office of Double Dog Publishing where we create websites for small business, Melinda paints and illustrates and I try to stay out of trouble.

Thank you.